If you’ve been searching for PAD treatment options, we can assure you that you’re in the right place. Advanced Vascular Surgery has twenty-two years of combined board-certified mid-level provider experience and a team that will work with you to understand and address your needs. As the area’s leading specialists in peripheral arterial disease, we understand the symptoms and diagnosis procedures. Whether you’re experiencing pain, fatigue, cramping, numbness, or any other symptoms, you can count on us to offer you effective treatment options. In today’s post, we’re going to take a closer look at a few of the options available.
Lifestyle changes
If your symptoms are manageable, we may recommend lifestyle changes to address them. These changes may include quitting smoking, exercising, blood pressure monitoring, control of blood sugar levels, and more.
There are a number of medications available when it comes to PAD treatment. While these medications won’t cure you, they can improve your ability to walk without pain, lower chances of blood clots, and improve your cholesterol levels.
Bypass surgery via abdominal and leg incisions can create a detour around the affected sections of your artery. A Y-shaped tube called a graft is attached to your aorta above the blockage, then each branch is attached to the femoral arteries. While surgery is the most invasive option, it does help to restore blood flow in roughly 85% of patients.
At Advanced Vascular Surgery, we are proud to offer a comprehensive range of PAD treatment options. Using state-of-the-art equipment and a dedicated team of professionals that are committed to offering the best healthcare in the area, you can be confident that you are in good hands. If you’ve been experiencing symptoms of peripheral arterial disease, we encourage you to call us today to discuss your options.